
Common misconceptions about hybrid mobile apps by comparing with native mobile apps

The smartphone market is a huge global market and is characterized by its continuous growth. Competition among international companies is intensifying with the introduction of new smartphones and the development of innovative features and features.

The booming smartphone market necessarily means the market growth of applications. But the diversity of operating systems in which smartphones operate makes developers and investors confused by the development of Native applications or the development of hybrid applications. In this article, we will learn about the difference between native applications and hybrid applications and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

 The importance of user interfaces and user experience in application development

Before talking about the development of hybrid or native applications, we first have to emphasize the most important thing we must consider in the application development process: the user. This user does not care about the technology or tools that the application he is using has developed.

Users are usually interested in what they can do with the app and are not interested in the way they are programmed. Therefore, user interfaces and user experience are the most important aspect of smartphone applications.

In fact, 79% of users give an application of another chance or two chances if they fail to work from the first time. If they do not work, they leave it and neglect it for good.

Therefore, poor user experience prevents application success and spread among users. Therefore, poor user experience prevents application success and spread among users.

Development of native applications

Native is an application developed for use on a single operating system such as: Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Windows.

The original application is developed and programmed for use on a particular operating system and by its own programming language:

IOS: Its programming language (Objective-C or Swift).

Android OS: its programming language (Java or Kotlin).

Windows Phone: its programming language (C #).

Development of hybrid applications

The Hybrid application is a one-time, one-copy application that is usable on multiple operating systems, such as iOS, Android, Windows, and more. It is a single product running on several operating systems. The Hybrid application is a one-time, one-copy application that is usable on multiple operating systems, such as iOS, Android, Windows, and more. It is a single product running on several operating systems. In fact, hybrid applications look like native applications and developers try to make them look like native applications. These applications are programmed by the following programming languages: JavaScript, CSS, HTML5. It is primarily a Web program.


5 Go-to resources about hybrid mobile app

Developing a hybrid mobile app requires some web technologies. They include HTML, CSS, and javascript. The reason for this is to make a hybrid app browsable like every other website. Using these codes makes it possible to build an app that would function like a native programmed app and at the same users will not find out it’s a hybrid app. There are several resources to be consulted when it comes to hybrid mobile app development. For the sake of this article, we would be treating just 5 out of these resources.

  1. Phonegap
  2. Ionic framework
  3. Mobile Angular
  4. Native script
  5. Quasar
  1. Phonegap

This is one of the popular platform framework needed in the development of a hybrid app. This particular framework is the source distributor of Cordova framework. Once you have already existing skills in web development, you can easily use PhoneGap to create a hybrid mobile app through building with CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. The ease of developing a hybrid mobile app has to do with only a single code needed. In case your web app needs access to the camera, GPS, etc. HTML5 makes it possible. With the help of Apache Cordova, every limitation that comes along with HTML5 would be resolved. Using PhoneGap resources, a lot of packages can be added by the developer to the app

  • Ionic framework

Ionic framework is another resource that makes provision for the tools and the services needed to develop a hybrid mobile app. Ionic framework makes it possible to build an app and make them available in app stores meant for native app makes it look like the hybrid app is a native app.

  • Mobile angular

This is another framework for hybrid mobile app basically for bootstrap and angular. This framework helps in getting the best of boostrap3 to build your HTML5 mobile app. Mobile angular UI is embedded with fastclick.js to experience a better and smooth app.

  • Native script

The native script has to do with JavaScript. If you are using this framework, then you have to use JavaScript or any other programming language that could change to JavaScript later. A good example is Typescript. Both Vue and Angular frameworks are supported by NativeScript through a plugin. One of the very good advantages of this resource is that app built using NativeScript framework operates fully like a native app.

  • Quasar

Quasar basically allows developers to write a single code that could be deployed at the same time. They allow code-splitting, HTML, cache busting, etc.


Why choose a progressive web app for web development?

Are you still wondering why to choose the Progressive web app?

So, Your wait is over, stick with us to uncover your wonder.

Progressive web app or PWA, in short, is a type of mobile app delivered through the web, they are built using common web technologies such as JavaScript, HTML, etc. They have gained popularity over the last few years, and many developers are considering developing PWAs rather than the native app. If you are thinking native apps development is still better, here are some reasons why you should consider developing a progressive web app.

Believe it or not, PWA is much cheaper to develop compared to native apps which require a lot of money, developer’s time and other resources. The cost of developing PWA is around 2000$ – 4000$, compared with the native apps which cost around 10000$ – 50000$ that too with just the basic feature. So if you are short on money you should consider developing PWA.

  • It works on any platform –

The problem with the native app is that you need to develop a separate app for separate platforms such as IOS, windows phone, or Android, whereas PWAs are coded to be used in a browser but can be installed on any phone. This saves you the hassle from making apps for different platforms as one PWA will work on all.

  • They are much responsive –

It is one of the reasons why it is gaining popularity with the people because it is much more responsive compared to native apps. The native app’s response time in loading sucks when the network is bad, but on the other hand, response time will still be pretty much the same with PWAs irrespective of the network.

  • They don’t need installation –

For anyone who uses a smartphone, they know downloading and installing an app isn’t their favorite thing to do while using their phones. PWAs need no installation, which saves the time of the people, which leads to people favoring PWAs compared to other native apps.

  • More and more people are using it –

Whether you believe it or not, more and more people are using it, and it is leading to more business. Apps such as Flipkart Lite, MakemyTrip, Go Ibibo, etc are doing much better than their native predecessors.

Though native apps still hold a large space in the app market, PWAs are giving a tough fight to break this stance. So these were some of the reasons why to choose a progressive web app by an app development company.

How to master hybrid mobile app development in simple steps

Smartphone usage is with no doubt taking over almost every single day activities of humans. The convenient way of accessing and surfing the net on our mobile phones cannot be neglected. Coming along with the rapid need of getting connected to the internet is the need for the creation of a browser. This can be categorized into two namely;

  1. Native Android app
  2. Hybrid mobile app

For the sake of this article, we would be discussing more on the hybrid mobile app.

Hybrid mobile app

This is basically an app developed using combinations of codes like HTML, java scripts etc. all now encompassed into the form of a native Android app. Developing a hybrid app is not something big as we will explain in simple 5 steps how to develop this app.

Gather the require tools

In developing a hybrid mobile app, for this method, you will be needing a JDK (java development kit), Android SDK, and android studio. The JDK is to be installed also, and make available Cordova CLI. You might need to find a way of accessing features available to the browser. This is necessary if you are developing a full HTML5 mobile application. After the installation of the listed software, run the command and install Android SDK tools.

Produce the first task

After installing CLI, create a task and using the CLI command, store all the task created in a folder. The Cordova task created or project needs a platform to ensure it runs smoothly. You can use a framework like the HTML5 for a mobile application like this. Animations, views, etc. can be created using JQuery. And you can also hide or show content using that same software.

App test run

Before test running, you need to add your website, click and edit HTML in order to see and add content. After this, you can now test your application using a browser. For HTML5, you can use some other ways to directly test your app.

Use PhoneGap to wrap your hybrid mobile app into the form of a native app. When you do this, the self-made app is shown to its users on Android in the web view.

After finishing your app and test running it, you can then sign into google for the uploading of your app. You must have first wrapped up your app into a native app form before uploading.


What are the steps involved in Mobile app development?

Apps such as Instagram, Whatsapp, Snapchat, etc are a part of a lot of people’s lives and we spent a considerable amount of time on it. The app market is expected to reach about 189 billion USD, but have you ever wondered just how these apps are made? What are the steps that are involved in mobile app development? If not, then here it is.

  • Market research –

Before making any app, the developers research the market for finding the problems, people’s needs, functions not provided by other apps, the target audience, etc.

  • Conceptualization –

Now that you have an idea about the market, next comes the making a concept for your app, it involves brainstorming about the various functionalities, determining an outline about your app, etc.

  • Design –

After making a concept, you need to make a design about your app, and etch out specific details such as the window which will launch after opening your app, various buttons, banners, icons, the primary screen, User Interface, etc. Sketches are also drawn in this stage.

  • Considering the technical aspects –

You have considered the various functions which your app will have, now it’s time to consider the various technicalities related to it. You have to make an API [application program interface] which is a set of subroutine definitions, communication protocols, and tools for building software.

You can use the below mobile development framework:

1> Flutter App Development

2> Ionic App Development

Making a prototype –

When you’ve made the design and considered the various aspects, it’s time to make a prototype of your app. Making a prototype helps you to check whether your app lives up to the various functionalities you intended. There are various tools that you can use for making a prototype.

  • Developing the app –

If you are fine with the prototype of your app, you move to the development stage. It has three phases i.e the Alpha phase where the core functionalities are developed, the Beta phase where major functions and features are developed and bugs are fixed, and the final Release phase where the app is released to the public.

  • Testing –

No matter how amazing an app is if it has bugs and it keeps crashing, it won’t be used by people. Testing helps to find out the various problems, bugs and gives valuable user feedback to the developers.

  • Launch –

After the app has been tested and given a nod, it is launched in the market to see the response it will receive.

These were the steps involved in mobile app development which the app developers follow before an app is made available for us to use.


20 Best Angular Development Tools for Developers

Angular development tools are used while working with Angular for building websites or apps. The tools manage all the coding and data perfectly. You can also run tests. Here, we are discussing 20 Angular development tools that are best for the app developers.

  • BlurAdmin

This ‘Admin Dashboard template’ tool is used for the front end while working for angular development work. All the necessary data are coded by using Javascript. If you want bootstrap development this is a good option. There are also many well-known UI components in this template. The features are Responsive layout, Bootstrap CSS Framework, Sass, Gulp build, AngularJS, Jquery, Jquery ui, amChart, Chartist, Chart.js, Morris, Maps, etc.

Download link:

  • Karma

Karma is a tool used as a test runner for JavaScript.  AngularJS team created this tool. It helps to run the JavaScript or source code to run against any real browsers by using the CLI. This is a popular tool among designers for testing frameworks. You will get an accurate environment for testing your work on the browser and also on real devices.

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  • Jasmine

This testing open-source tool for JavaScript code is not dependent on any kind of JavaScript framework. Writing any necessary things is very easy with this tool and you also do not need any DOM. The syntax is very easy to read. It is influenced by RSpec, JSSpec, ScrewUnit, and JSpec. It is good for asynchronous testing, front-end code testing with Jasmine-jQuery and test doubles implementation by ‘spies’.

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  • Commangular

This AngularJS tool is an excellent one for simplifying the designer’s work. The features are chain commands, reduce dependencies, code organization, angular dependency injection, preceding result injection, command flows, promises based, sequence or parallel and AOP like an interception.

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  • NativeScript

This tool is used for Android applications and iOS with the help of CSS and JavaScript. It supports Flexbox, TypeScript, modern JavaScript, etc.

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  • Angular Kickstart

It is another useful tool for developing the application of a single page with the help of AngularJS. It is easy to test and develop the project with this tool.

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  • SublimeText

For editing text codes SublimeText is one of the favorite tools among the developers. It is very easy to do coding with this tool. Many markup languages and programming languages are supported by this tool. You can use plug-ins to add functions. The features are, ‘Goto Anything’, ‘Command palette’, Simultaneous editing, ‘Python API (application programming interface)’, Compatible with TextMate, ‘Snippets’, ‘Auto-completion’, ‘ Syntax highlight’, etc.

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  • Angular Seed

You can bootstrap the project quickly. It is helpful for developing a typical web app.

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  • Webstorm

It is created on top of IntelliJ, an open-source platform. It has unified UI, which helps to work with VCS (Version Control Systems). Webstorm easily tracks many kinds of changes in the source files made by anyone. It saves history, so you can easily get your original data. It has also a built-in terminal for running commands. The ‘ IDE Plugin Repository’ provides lots of plug-ins to enrich the framework. The customizable is feature is very helpful for coding. You can choose either dark or light appearance as per your preference.

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  •   Onsen UI

The features of the Onsen UI tool are grid layout, platform detection, rotation detection, gesture detection, FastClick, etc. It is used for developing web apps and hybrid works. It can be used with the ‘PhoneGap command line’ or ‘ Monaca tools’ for hybrid app development. This open-source tool is used in tech stack in the category of ‘Cross-Platform Mobile Development‘.

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  •   Bazel

Bazel is compatible with Bootstrap, AngularJS, SQLite, and Electron. HTML, JavaScript, and CSS are used for developing an application. It speeds up the tests and helps to rebuild task. C++, Java, iOS, Android, and other multiple language platforms can be built and tested by using this tool. It is compatible with Linux, macOS, and Windows. You can scale your codebase, integration system and handles it efficiently. It has an extension language feature to add and support new languages.

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  •   AngularFire

If you need a backend for the Angular app, then this tool is used for that. It has data binding option in three ways, flexible API, etc.

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  •   Protractor

This framework is used for testing projects from end to end. You can use the real browser to run tests.

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  •   Generator Angular

It has sensible defaults for completing the projects quickly. It helps by generating the boilerplates for the application task.

  •   Angular Deck grid

The CSS file is used for making the visual portrayal. So directives are not dependent on the visual portrayal.

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  •   Angular Meteor

This is a tool for getting data sync of real-time for development purpose. You can write directly the language on the server. There are two parts Angular and Meteor helpful for mobile applications and website creation. The data binding between client data and server data happen in real-time and makes it a very good development tool.

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  •   Videogular

It has a system named cue points which are useful for virtual timelines’ binding and triggering functions. The directives are kept in binding condition. There are options for themes and plugins which give your design more options. It can show or hide the components as per requirements by detecting mobile devices.

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  •   Ionic

For developing a mobile app especially the hybrid one, Ionic is created on top of Apache Cordova and AngularJS. In the latest version, the user can choose to React, Vue.js or Angular as interface framework. You can develop ‘Progressive Web Apps’, desktop and mobile work. Sass, HTML5, and CSS are used for the development work. It is actually a complete software development kit.

Download link:

  •   Foundations for Apps

You can make dynamic and responsive web apps by using this tool. You can technologies like Angular web development and Flexbox for web application development.

Download link:


It uses controller and also Directives for identifying and displaying every necessary thing. The inspector pane can be added with the help of browser extension. It is done in Safari and Chrome.

Download link:

So, we have covered the 20 best angular development tools used by the developers. Most of the angular development company uses these tools while developing the applications.

When it comes to the maintainability and durability of a website or application which is made with JavaScript, then most of the businesses look towards two of the major JavaScript frameworks which are Angular and React. Click here to know the Comparison between Angular vs. ReactJS.


New Features and Improvements in Ionic 4

Those we are aware of Ionic they must be eagerly waiting to hear about the new feature and improvements done in the all-new version of Ionic frameworks that is Ionic 4. Let us have a look at those new features and improvements in Ionic 4, the latest upgraded version.

What is Ionic?

We will discuss those new features and improvements made in Ionic 4 but, let us discuss Iconic for those who are new to it or are trying to learn about it. So Ionic is a framework, we can say that one of the best frameworks available right now. With the use of this framework, you can easily create an app for website and mobile web, and it is possible because of the hybrid technology system installed in this framework.

The three main parts of the Iconic framework are it’s UI framework, which helps in creating high-end applications, an Angular framework, which is used for building applications within a short interval of time and the last part is Compiler where you can write various code such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS.

New Features and Improvements in Ionic 4-

Iconic 4 was released just a few days back, and it’s is highly identical with Iconic 3, but various changes have been made, let us have a look at those upgrades-

  • Web Components- You must have noticed that in the previous version which was Ionic 3 in that, you were unable to create custom HTML tags and hence you were not able to have the complete access to make changes in the app. But with the latest update of Ionic 4, they have made this upgrade in which you can easily create custom HTML tags and can use it in your apps. There will be no limitation for the custom made HTML tags; you would be able to use it from any new or old web browser.

With the addition of web components, you would also be able to notice an enhancement in the overall performance and in loading time as well.

Some main specifications of Web Components are-

  • Custom Elements- This is a specification with the help of which you can create custom HTML tags and many more things in Iconic 4.
  • Shadow DOM- If you are trying to build an application based on components, then this is the tool all that you need.
  • HTML Imports- These features help you to use HTML documents in one another.
  • Stencil- This is a new tool that’s introduced in Ionic 4, with the help of this tool you can work with any JavaScript framework or if you don’t want to work with any framework then also this tool can help. You would also be able to create standard web components with the help of this tool.
  • PWA Enabled- The next feature that makes Ionic 4 highly usable and exclusive is progressive web app development. With the help of this tool, the user would be able to create some extraordinary UI frameworks, which will offer high performances in various factors.
  • Speed matters- As I said that speed matters, so the Ionic team had put their best efforts into making Ionic 4 the fastest than ever. There is not only speed improvement, but the developer team has also added several components, which you can use for higher performance of your app.
  • More customization features- The next most significant improvement that you would love is that this version of the Ionic framework is highly customizable, and you can make changes according to yourself to any part of the app. There are no limitations for you in Ionic 4.
  • Ion-Backdrop- This is a new component that is introduced in Ionic 4, with the use of this component, you would be able to dismiss any component you have used earlier easily.
  • Ion-picker- The Ionic team has introduced two new rows with the help of which you can easily see and pick tools from them. These rows will make it easier to access tools and will enhance productivity.
  • Ion-ripple effect- With the help of this component, the developer team has made it easier to add material design to the app.
  • Ion-reorder- As it’s clear from the name of the component, with the help of which you can easily reorder items. You can rearrange them in a vertical or horizontal mode with the component.
  • Ion-search bar- If you find it difficult to find various items or components from these frameworks, then you will not face that problem again as the developer team has added a search bar in Ionic 4, with the help of which you can effortlessly search any item. They have taken proper care of the UI, as they offer nine different types of search bar styles, which you can change easily.
  • Ion-show when- This is the best component that the developer team added. It’s basically for them who are new to the Ionic framework and are not aware of what the tools can do. So with the help of this component whenever you first try to use a component or tool, there will appear a box with some detailed information about that tool.
  • Ion-select popover- Again, here comes the best component, you must have noticed that there are some components or tools that you might not be using, and they are just consuming space. So with the help of this component, you can remove that component or tool from the row and can free up some space or can place another useful tool instead of that.
  • Ion skeleton text- This component helps you in rendering widths of various blocks.
  • Color changes- As discussed above that this version if the Iconic framework is the highly customizable one, this version offers many customizations. You can even change the color of your overall Ionic framework app.
  • Tappable Items- In the previous version if you wanted to make something tappable then you would have had to use a button, but in the latest version, you can use the tappable attribute for doing so.

There are some other components also which are added into this Ionic 4, such as Iconicons 4.0, CSS Variables, and many more.


Top 10 new features in Node JS

If you have ever used the front-end development platform such as Angular which has also got its latest update of v8, then you might be knowing about NodeJS. This is a type of open-source platform with the help of which the JavaScript you have created on various platforms could be run outside your web browser.

Without the use of NodeJS, you might not be able to do so, and hence Node-JS is also important because if you try to execute a JavaScript on your web browser, then your project will be limited up to certain limits and would not be able to take advantage of all the features available. Nodejs development company is very popular among other app development companies. Hence we are here with the Top 10 new features in Node JS.

Node has just released its latest version, if you haven’t heard about it yes, then do follow this article till the end because with the help of this article we are going to discuss the new features and improvements made in the latest version of Node tool.

Top 10 new features in Node JS –

Here are some of the most important features offered in the latest version of Nodejs-

First impression

Whenever you update software or a tool, you always have two things in mind. The first one is that what new features would you be able to see in this version and the Second thing is that for what time this version will be compatible. We will discuss its new features in the next points, but if we talk about the point of compatibility, then it is said that you won’t have to worry about it at all, as the latest version which is Node v12 will get support up to 2022, which is an excellent thing.

V8 engine

As cars have an engine that determines the overall performance of the car, the same is the case with these tools. Node v12 has the latest v8 engine with the help of which you would be able to work more efficiently on this tool.

Faster execution

As all the work is done on this tool is in the form of JavaScript, so the main challenge for the team was to create a type of engine that will offer faster execution of JavaScript for instant results. So with the all-new v8 engine, we can get the highest execution speed till now.

Memory Management

For higher speed and faster execution processes, the management of memory is highly important. With the support of the v8 engine, we would be able to get the best memory management technology for enhanced processing.

JIT-less engine

You must have seen that when you are dealing with a large amount of JavaScript at the time of execution, they lag the most, but with the help of Node v12 and v8 engine support, this is not going to happen again ever. This v8 engine has the power to free up the memory during the runtime process so that the project can work fluently without any lag. This happens because of Node v12’s ability to use the memory efficiently and ending up useless tasks during the runtime of the project.

WebAssembly Threads

This is a new feature that’s added in the Node v12, with the help of this feature you would be able to use WebAssembly threads which helps in defining binary codes on a non-Android device also. This will also help in making the system use more number of cores during any heavy usage. Before in the previous versions, users and app development company would have had to face several lags during runtime of a massive project.

ES6 Module Support

If you have some higher knowledge about JavaScript, then you must be knowing that JavaScript is wholly based on ECMA Script. ECMA scripts are the standardized scripts, so with the addition of the v8 engine in Node v12, you would be able to notice that, this tool supports the 6th version of ECMA scripts. With the help of ES6 support, your produced JavaScript would be supported by all types of web browsers, and hence the scripts would be more stable than ever.

Private Class Fields

As it’s clear from the name, you must have got that these are the type of variables which can be accessed within the class. You would not be able to access it from any external source or with the help of any other tool. After that, even if you tried to access it from an outside source, then you will face an error.

Startup Performance

The V8 engine is famous for it’s improved startup performance, and it also works well, but do you know how? So the basis of working with the help of which you get an enhance startup performance is, the Node v12 already generates all the data that is needed after the processing. So this clears up so high time-consuming steps and hence enhances the overall speed of startup performance.

New Compiler

In the latest update of Node v12, the company has introduced a minimum value system, this means that those who have the minimum requirement they would be only able to work with it. Before the system was working with no minimum requirement settings and because of which users had to face lags in their compiler. But with the help of the newly added compiler and minimum support platform those who have minimum requirement would be able to use this tool efficiently without any lag, while those who are not able to come up to a minimum requirement they would not be able to use this tool at all.

These were the top 10 most essential updates you can see in Node v12. But it’s not the end here yet, the company has added several essential features that we would not be able to cover in the Top 10 new features in Node JS list, so here are some other highly important changes they have made in the newer version.

  • You will be offered high security with the help of TLS 1.3 support, that you will notice in Node v12.
  • You still would have compatibility with the previous version of Node even after upgrading it to Node v12.
  • You would also be able to get diagnostic reports on demand.

Top 10 features of Angular 8

Have you ever been in a Chaos or gets stuck at a question that is the best development platform from where you can create front-end applications for platforms such as Mobile or Desktop?

If yes, then your problem is going to be solved soon. As we are going to discuss the best Front-end developing platform you must have heard of. That’s Angular, and this is one of the best and most used developing platforms for the creation of Front-end and the same is used by most of the app development company.

The angular platform is already highly powerful, but their developing team never forgets to provide more and better features and upgrade. This is the only reason they have thrown the upgrade of Angular 8 and people are going crazy by knowing the features added in this latest version. Let us have a look at the newly added features in Angular 8 and discuss how they can be helpful for us and the angular web development company

Top 10 features of Angular 8 are as follows:

As Angular 8 has been released and here is the list of top 10 most essential features and add-ons in this latest version.

  • Preview of Ivy- The first feature that gets enables with the Angular 8 update is that you can now use Ivy for the testing purpose. It is a type of all-new rendering tool that will help you in better testing of the product created. This feature would not be turned on from default, and you would have to turn it on by enabling Ivy in your project with the help of Ivy switch that’s created to turn Ivy on. You would have to place this switch inside your code as –enable-ivy.
  • Lazy Loading-  You must be thinking that by lazy loading, I mean this platform loads slowly, but that’s not true. The real meaning of Lazy loading is, it’s a condition in which a picture, video, object, text, or any such thing loads only when it is needed to. Before that, it will look like a faded object only. This feature was available in the previous version of Angular too, but some improvements are made in the lazy loading feature for Angular 8. You will also notice that Angular 8 also supports dynamic EcmaScript imports.
  • Supports Node 10-  This combo is going to put your front-end development on fire, as Node 10 is a platform that is used by several front-end development software from which Angular 8 is also the one. You should upgrade your Angular tool to V8 for better tools and enhancements, but if you haven’t upgraded or don’t want to update then also there’s no issue because you can use Node 10 with Angular 7 also.
  • Supports TypeScript 3.1-  TypeScript is a programming language that is managed by Microsoft. Moreover, it is the primary language with the help of which all the development takes place on the Angular platform. Not only Angular 8 supports TypeScript 3.1(latest version of TypeScript), but Angular 7 supports it too.
  • CLI Prompt- While developing the front-end for an application, various processes take place during it’s developing period. But in the end, when it’s wholly created, there are some features that we wanted in the app and some we wanted to ignore. So with the help of the CLI prompt feature that’s newly added in Angular 8, you would be able to choose the features that you want in the app and want to be ignored.

At last, we can say that with the help of Angular 8, you would have complete control over the CLI of this platform, which will help in several ways.

  • Virtual Scrolling- When you have a lot of options available at that time scrolling it manually will be a prolonged process, so to get rid of that problem they created virtual scrolling which is a more useful and faster way of scrolling large lists. This feature is used under UI libraries, which are further used for the creation of UIs.
  • Drag and Drop feature- If you face problem in reordering lists and moving various elements from one place to another in the previous version of Angular platform, then you should update it as soon as possible because in the last version of Angular which is Angular 8 you would be able to easily use the drag and drop feature, with which you would be able to reorder lists and place one element from one point to another.
  • ngUpgrade- If you were using Angular v7 or any other previous version, then you must have created several applications with the help of that. But as now Angular 8 is here, so what would you do to move or upgrade those apps created using Angular v7 to v8? Here’s the solution, with the help of new features that are added in ngUpgrade you would be easily upgrading the previous apps to Angular 8.
  • Support of HTML element with Angular elements- Do you know with the help of a new HTML tag added in Angular v8 you would be able to use the angular components as a web component. The added HTML tag is <Slot>, which helps you in doing so.
  • Other add-on features- Here is the list of some other add-on features that you will notice in Angular v8.
  • A feature that you would be able to see in Angular v8 and v7 too is that you can completely configure Router so that it can remember the position plus can also restore it easily. For doing so, you would have to make the scroll position restoration enable.
  • ShadowDOM API is also supported by the latest version of Angular v8.
  • Most of the developers faced problem during debugging of the product they created but with the new add-on switch of –vendor-source-map you would be able to debug the product in a better way. The primary usage of this switch is to provide you source maps for the packages.

These were some of the essential features that you would be able to see in Angular v8, till now they have had done an outstanding job, let us see what the developer team brings in Angular v9.

We have shared Top 10 features of Angular 8. I hope you will like our efforts in bringing the right and latest information in front of you. Keep in touch for all the tech updates.

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